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How To Clean Your Canopy And Its Filters

Grease, dirt, and grime like to build up quickly on the commercial kitchen canopy. It is the law of nature. Since your canopy lives just about the stove and its main purpose is drawing up the steam or smoke that comes out during cooking, there is no doubt in it getting greasy. However, you can avoid a thick buildup of grease and prevent it from becoming less effective and dirty. The more you put the cleaning of your canopy off, the less efficient it will become and harder you will need to work to clean it.

Important Reasons To Clean The Canopy and Its Filters
Although it might not look to be the best thing to spend your free time on, you will want to ensure that the canopy and its filters are well-maintained. Top canopy manufacturers and Canopy Cleaning Services suggest cleaning the commercial kitchen canopies at least once every month. Continuous cleaning of the canopy is vital because of:

  • Enhanced power efficiency
  • Safety
  • Simpler Cleaning
  • Effective smoke and grease removal
  • Longer life of the canopy

7 Steps To Clean A Canopy And Its Filters
The canopy cleaning Melbourne experts suggest that cleaning the canopy yourself may look to be a lengthy process. However, it mainly depends on how much dirty the canopy filters are along with the method you select to follow. The time can vary between 15 minutes to an hour. The stepwise process according to professional canopy cleaning services is as below:

Detach the Filter
It will depend on your canopy model. But, in almost all models, the canopy filters are simple to detach. However, before you begin fidgeting and attempting to find out ways to separate it, ensure to switch the appliance off. Spend some time to have a look at the overall setup of your canopy. Are the filters fully visible or mostly hidden? Ensure to have a view of the canopy filters. Remove all metallic or plastic casing surrounding your canopy’s base with the help of a screwdriver.

Making The Cleaning Solution And Cleaning The Filters

Method 1: Use A Dishwasher Detergent
Instead of using a grease remover or a dish soap, you can use the dishwasher detergent to perform the job.

  • Wet the filters under the tap.
  • Put the wet filters inside a sink or pan.
  • Apply and spread the detergent generously around the filter.
  • Let the filters sit for an hour.
  • Put in the sink under warm water and wash the detergent off with the grease.
  • Apply some more detergent to the filters and scrub with a brush to remove traces of grease.

Method 2: Use A Degreaser
In this method, a lot of scrubbing is involved. It might not be very efficient, but the canopy filters still get very clean.

  • Take a large enough cooking pot that can hold your grease filter.
  • Fill it with water to submerge the filter fully.
  • Heat the water. Don’t boil it. Spray lots of degreasing in the water.
  • Leave the filter inside this solution anywhere between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Use tongs to remove the filter and put it inside the sink. Scrub hard on every side.

Method 3: Baking Soda and Vinegar Solution
This method can be a great alternative to Method 2.

  • Find a pot big enough for your filter and fill it with water.
  • Boil the water.
  • After it boils, add 2 tsp of baking soda and 3 tbsp of vinegar. Mix well.
  • Put the filter in this solution for around 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Air Drying and Reinstallation
As the filters tend to be metallic, it is recommended to avoid using blow dryers as they can result in electric shocks in some unfortunate cases. Hence, the best thing to do is to let them dry themselves. Before putting them back, ensure that the filters are fully dry as you will not want the canopy’s wiring to become wet anyhow.

Dirty Canopies Can be Dangerous
A dirty canopy can not only damage the entire unit and raise your electric bills, but it can also be a fire and health hazard.

Fire Hazard
The grease and oil deposit on the canopy, placed above your cooktop tend to be a major fire hazard. It is not common that a fire can because, in this way, there have been many cases where uncontrollable flames on the cooktop have risen as well as ignited residues on canopies.

Health Hazard
A dirty canopy is slimy, greasy, and warm. It leads to an environment where a few pathogens thrive. Moreover, the tiny food particles carried along with the fume, settle on filters and feed the rising bacteria.

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